The ASP™ Sales Flywheel Framework: Your Strategic Compass for Business Growth

Learn about our clear strategic framework, the ASP™ Sales Flywheel framework. Use it as your strategic compass to guide your business through the noise of tactical advice.

It's easy for business owners to get lost in the tactical weeds, missing the strategic forest. The constant buzz around posting more on Facebook, optimizing AdWords with negative keywords, or buying leads can be overwhelming. While these tactics aren't inherently wrong, they can leave you drowning in details without a clear strategic framework. This is where the ASP Sales Flywheel framework comes into play.

Developed by our founders, Chad and Raymond, and detailed in their book on growth hacking, “Growth Hacking: Silicon Valley's Best Kept Secret,” the ASP (Automated Sales Process) framework serves as a strategic compass, guiding business owners through the noise of tactical advice. It provides a structured approach to prioritize and organize efforts, ensuring that every action taken contributes to a larger, cohesive strategy.

Introducing the ASP Sales Flywheel Framework

The ASP Sales Flywheel framework breaks down the process into six critical components, each of which can be built and optimized sequentially. Let's take a closer look at each element:

  1. Attraction 
    Attracting potential customers is the first step. This involves creating awareness and generating interest in your products or services. Strategies here might include content marketing, social media campaigns, SEO, and other inbound marketing techniques that draw prospects to your business.
  2. First Impression 
    Once you've attracted potential customers, making a strong first impression is crucial. This includes having a professional and user-friendly website, clear messaging, and an engaging initial interaction. The goal is to quickly convey value and build trust.
  3. Engage & Educate 
    Engagement and education are about nurturing your prospects. Provide valuable content that addresses their pain points, answer their questions, and demonstrate how your solutions can help them. This can be achieved through blogs, webinars, whitepapers, and personalized communication.
  4. Follow-Up 
    Follow-up ensures that no potential customer slips through the cracks. Use automated emails, personalized messages, and timely reminders to stay on your prospects' radar and move them through your sales funnel.
  5. Sales Technology 
    Leverage technology to streamline your sales process. CRM systems, sales automation tools, and data analytics can help you manage leads more effectively, track customer interactions, and optimize your sales strategy based on real-time insights.
  6. Referrals & Retention 
    The final component focuses on turning customers into advocates. Encourage satisfied customers to refer others and implement retention strategies to ensure they stay loyal. Loyalty programs, excellent customer service, and consistent engagement are key to maintaining a strong customer base.


The ASP Sales Flywheel framework offers a strategic roadmap for business growth, guiding you through the tactical noise with a clear and structured approach. By focusing on each component one by one, you can build a robust sales strategy that not only attracts and converts leads but also retains and delights customers.

If you want to dive deeper into each of these subtopics and learn how to apply them effectively in your business, we highly recommend reading "Growth Hacking: Silicon Valley's Best Kept Secret" by our founders, Chad and Raymond. This book provides a comprehensive guide to the ASP framework, along with insider tips and real-world examples to help you master the art of growth hacking.


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