We Literally Wrote TheBook On Growth Hacking
In 2017, Raymond and Chad published the definitive book on growth hacking, "Growth Hacking: Silicon Valley's Best Kept Secret".
The book introduces a framework for growth, the "Automated Sales Process™ (ASP™)", that has previously only been used in high-growth startup environments. The ASP™ gives business owners the opportunity to massively accelerate the growth of their businesses using Silicon Valley style tactics.

And It WasTranslated Into Chinese
In 2018, China Machine Press acquired the rights to translate "Growth Hacking: Silicon Valley's Best Kept Secret" into Chinese and distribute the book in the People's Republic of China.
增長黑客:矽谷企業成長的秘密 本書作者解析了矽谷快速增長的秘密,即增長黑客,提供了您所需要的營銷理論和可操作的策略,以幫助您的業務更成功。分析了矽谷的獨角獸企業是如何利用增長黑客的方法在很短的時間內,做到世界知名企業的。講解了增長黑客理念的樹立、增長黑客團隊的組建、流程制度的創立、技術營銷的運用等團隊運營成功實戰經驗。馮雋瑋,查德·里得森,兩位都是網路營銷領域公認的專家,指導和培訓了世界各地成千上萬的企業主,共同創立了增長黑客咨詢機構,即Deviate Labs,致力於增長顧問工作。